

Murdock Keith

For my first attempt at newborn shots, as well as a birthing video, I was fortunate enough to welcome a new nephew into the world at the same time.

Shot in color and converted to black and white, both the photographs and the video represent my skills using a camera.


Bryar Rew

Bryar was another senior I had the opportunity to work with. I learned that photographing girls requires a different skill set than photographing boys.

Hair placement, angles, and the possibility of fake smiles aren’t always battles I had to fight while photographing male seniors.


Nathan Perry

Nathan was one of a few seniors I had the opportunity to photograph for his last year in high school.

We shot sports photos, casual photos, truck photos, and a couple of portraits for his parents to keep.


Bradley Banks

Although I didn’t get to shoot a birthing video for my sweet niece, I did have the chance to get some newborn shots of her.

She was awfully nice, and reminded me a little bit of myself. She didn’t want to let go of her paci and she kept side-eyeing her Aunt Shea wondering what I was doing.